Weblog of Miss-Lou Motor Mafia

June 17, 2009

On This Day In Automotive History…

Filed under: History — Tags: — blasterhappy @ 5:42 am

June 17, 1923

Enzo Ferrari wins first race

On this day, Enzo Ferrari, who would go on to an historic career as a driver for Alpha Romeo before being put in charge of their racing division, won his first race, a 166-mile event at the Circuito del Savio in Ravenna, Italy. After the Ravenna race, Ferrari met for the first time the Count Enrico Baracca and his wife, the Countess Paolina, who would later suggest to Ferrari that he use the prancing horse emblem of their son. “Ferrari,” remarked the Countess, “why don’t you put my son’s prancing horse on your cars; it will bring you luck.” The Countess’s son, Francesco, had been Italy’s premier flying ace in World War I before he was shot down and killed at Mount Montello. On his plane he carried a white shield bearing a prancing black stallion. Ferrari would adopt the emblem, changing the field of the shield to canary yellow in honor of his hometown of Modena.

1 Comment »

  1. Enzo was really proud of his hometown of Modena, he even kept his office there while the factory was in Maranello, 15 miles away. It’s amazing that the company hasn’t sold out or cashed in their brand completely like so many companies are doing nowadays

    Comment by jordanmorningstarblog — June 19, 2009 @ 11:09 am

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