Weblog of Miss-Lou Motor Mafia

May 29, 2009

Book Review: Class Of 2009 by Jordan Morningstar

Filed under: Published Works — Tags: , , — blasterhappy @ 6:00 am

2316Let me start by saying that if a picture is worth a thousand words then Canadian, Jordan Morningstar is pretty damn chatty eh!

I was lucky to receive an advanced copy of Class Of 2009 autographed by Morningstar and I had the feeling of a kid with the newest issue of X-MEN.  Ya know when you scanned the whole book by pictures then went back and actually read the story.

Morningstar’s depiction of the Manitoba car scene is quite stunning in his first book.  The photography is excellent and has a feel of a true car enthusiast.  Most books that promote car shows or the hobby are usually over processed and rather generic and it’s all about the subject matter and not the scene.  I like the fact that some photos are not about the car at all but what is happening in the background.   It could be a sunset, people or simply other cars.  There is more to see here than shiny chrome and paint.


Morningstar’s wit along with his knowledge of vehicles of every make and model make for an entertaining read.  He pays attention to everyone’s definition of a hotrod or classic.  On one page you see a Mercury Topaz sharing attention with what appears to be a peculiar looking Ferrari F40 that is not what it seems.  Then we see classics, roadsters, bikes and trucks covering many makes and models, as well as genre.

A quote from SundayCruiseFever.com:

That’s the big difference between Class of 2009 and your typical hot rodding books.  The cars featured on the pages of Sunday Cruise Fever’s first book has cars that you can drive, because they are the cars that you drive.  They’re your rat rods, your roadsters, your muscle cars, and even (gasp!) your Honda Civics*.  They’re what you drive to work, drive to school, and drive to cruise nights and car shows in.  They’re the cars that you found in back yards and scrap metal piles, turning them into heavenly (or hellish) machines.

Class of 2009 is a self produced book in conjunction with SundayCruiseFever.com which is also the brainchild of Morningstar.  After seeing this great book you will want to see more of what Jordon Morningstar has to offer and I truly believe his second published work will be even more impressive.

So goto SundayCruiseFever.com to see how you can get your copy of Class of 2009 and tell them Miss-Lou Motor Mafia sent you!

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